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  • Networking Mega Mixer (Partner Event)

Networking Mega Mixer (Partner Event)

  • September 21, 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT)
  • Grand Ballroom - 10808 Granger Rd. Garfield Heights, OH 44125

Join the Berea Chamber of Commerce plus 16 of our neighboring chambers for an after hours Mega Mixer Networking Night hosted by the Collaborative Chambers Alliance, a coalition between 17 Chambers of Commerce from around Northeast Ohio. Connect with other business professionals and expand your network. Appetizers will be provided, and a cash bar will be available.

This event is free for Berea Chamber members. Non-members can attend at a cost of $10.

Bring lots of business cards and prepare to meet and connect with other professionals from around Northeast Ohio!



The mission of the Berea Chamber of Commerce is to be a leading voice for the business community. It is organized for the purpose of advancing and developing the commercial, industrial, retail, civic and general interest of the City of Berea and its trade area.

It provides a connection for its members to the community and other businesses through a variety of programs, networking events, seminars, luncheons, and major community partnerships.  All opportunities are planned to grow business through community involvement and make Berea a better place to live and work.


Megan Baechle, Executive Director
(440) 243-8415
PO Box 774, Berea, OH 44017


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